May 21st was a great day for Hand Up. Because of your giving and those who have worked on Cabin #1 it has been completed! Even with cost of materials going through the roof, God made a way through many of you! It is open and is debt free!
3 men have moved in and started! One more in a few days. God is so good! Thank you for making it possible for 4 young men to have a New Start on life!
That gives us 13 men and 5 women! Again, Thank You!
Things are very busy but exciting for the Hand Up Village! Phase 1 men spend the first part of each day in group time learning from the Word how to be Godly men. Bible reading, prayer devotional time. Journaling is a big part of this as well. Getting instruction from a 12-step model of drug treatment is also woven into our week. Daily chores give practice in daily home life. Cooking, cleaning, washing clothes all apart of their daily routine. An average of 4-6 hours they have supervised work activities which will prepare them to provide for a household in the future. Continue to pray for us as we endeavor to help men and women be all they are created to be!!
Ways to help:
1- Pray daily for us.
2- Prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner in giving.
3- Consider a one time gift towards helping us building more cabins as shown above. We are full at our men’s and women’s houses. WE plan to build to provide additional beds as funds become available.
4- Give us opportunity to come share at your church or business!
5- Pray for us as we prepare to provide a phase 1 women’s program!
Thank you all again for all you do!